This is Maybe Sammy's recipe for a winning Cold Irish Coffee

Sydney gets too hot and humid for the classic Irish Coffee — this is the one you need.

This is Maybe Sammy's recipe for a winning Cold Irish Coffee
The Cold Irish Coffee at Maybe Sammy in Sydney. Photo: Supplied

This drink is one of the Boothby Top 50 Drinks of the Year 2022 — you can see the full Top 50 here.

“It’s our interpretation of the classic Irish Coffee which obviously comes hot,” says this riff’s creator and Maybe Sammy creative director, Martin Hudak. “But here in our weather conditions we thought a cold version would be more suitable. We also roast and brew our own coffee which is big step towards quality and perfection in this drink.”

Martin Hudak with the Cold Irish Coffee at Maybe Sammy. Photo: Supplied
Martin Hudak with the Cold Irish Coffee at Maybe Sammy. Photo: Supplied

Cold Irish Coffee


  • 30ml Irish whiskey
  • 30ml sugar mix (equal parts honey, muscovado sugar, and water)
  • 120ml cold Honduras filter coffee
  • 50ml cold double cream


  1. Combine the Irish whiskey, sugar mix, and cold filter coffee in the glass and stir.
  2. Gently layer the cold double cream on top.

Recipe by Martin Hudak, Maybe Sammy, Sydney.