This La Dee Da cocktail from The Rover in Sydney sings with grower-sourced citrus
This recipe from Kendal Kim with Alex Gondzioulis is on the Boothby Top 50 Drinks of the Year 2023.

La Dee Da cocktail recipe
- 5ml Vanilla Syrup
- 5ml Barsol Pisco
- 10ml RHUBI Mistelle
- 10ml Applewood Økar Tropic
- 35ml Tanqueray Gin
- 115ml Poormans Orange & Chamomile Cream Soda
Alex Gondzioulis, the bar manager for the Liquid & Larder group under whose umbrella The Rover sits, says:
“Creaming Soda for adults, with a cool carbonated grape for garnish. Made with weird citrus sourced direct from a small orchard in the Wollemi Valley.”